Become The Greatest Underwearrior In Brief Battles

Australian based developer Juicy Cupcake has announced their first major game release. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Brief Battles has come to life. The title will release for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2019.

In Brief Battles, you choose from six wobbly characters who battle with super-powered underwear. With names likes buns of steel and flaming hot pants, this game is going to create some laughs.

Juicy Cupcake has created 50 unique arenas for the game across 5 different regions. Each arena has its own unique interactive elements. Players can battle their friends in multiplayer mayhem.

Friends who can get along can team up and take on co-op play. Solo players can just go it solo. There is even something in there for the achievement hunters.

Check out the announcement trailer below and just remember that it is all about the undies!

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