The Nintendo Switch Finally Has A Daylight Savings Feature

Those of you in the UK will have adjusted your clocks last Sunday, (or not), in preparation for the longer, more sunny days ahead of us. Well, it turns out that Nintendo had you covered with the Switch – whether you noticed or not.

Nintendo’s systems in the past, both handheld and home consoles, have always struggled with Daylight Savings. To the best of our knowledge, they have never automatically updated themselves when this strange phenomenon occurs.


Cue the Switch. We checked our new system on the big day and were pleasantly surprised to see that it had, in fact, accounted for the change in time automatically. Yes, that’s right, no more manually adjusting the time on your Nintendo consoles. We’ve joined the modern world. Even the Hero of Time himself would be impressed.

Ok, so not exactly a killer feature, sure, but it makes everything that little bit smoother in a busy world, right?

Source: Us

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