Streets Of Rage 4 Is A Reality, Axel And Blaze Return

The award for the most unexpected announcement of the month has to go to what we’re now calling Streets of Rage 4. A game that most – at this late point – would only expect as an April Fool’s joke is really happening.

Announced earlier today, Streets of Rage 4, (a sequel 24 years after the last title), is being developed by Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games and promises hand-drawn visuals, new mechanics, and a plot that hopefully features Mr. X once again controlling the city.

It’s unlikely the game will see the return of Yuzo Koshiro, the man behind the truly awesome soundtracks of the first three SEGA masterpieces – but we live in hope.

Streets Of Rage 4
Streets Of Rage 4

Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding will return at a yet unspecified date, on a list of unspecified platforms…

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