PC shooter Deceiver

PC shooter Deceiver gets a playable demo

We humans have become too reliant on technology, to cook, to clean, to contact people; take a teenager away from their mobile phones now and you’ll see how reliant we’ve become. Too reliant.

We need energy for all of this. Energy that’s evaporating and we’re panicking. The chaos. The humanity.

PC shooter Deceiver

On that note, Deceiver is a philosophical shooter from the mind of Evan Todd. In this pre-apocalypse (let’s be honest, post-apocalypse is getting oversaturated) many have left the planet to scourge for money, hoping to find salvation. The quickest way of achieving this is to steal other people’s resources.

The game is a multiplayer shooter in which you deploy spider-like bots to fight and steal these resources. The combat has a verticality to it as these spiders can climb walls (and go on ceilings). There is an overworld too that has you running around doing parkour and uncovering the story. Sound good?

Deceiver features the following:

  • A five-hour voice acted story campaign
  • Online multiplayer – up to twelve players
  • Eight maps
  • Three game modes
  • Full gamepad support – up to four split-screen players

The game’s look and feel are what makes it stand out though. Clearly inspired by the looks of Vectrex games, Deceiver is a visually unique shooter we haven’t seen in a while.

Set for release May 2019, for the small sum of $20, could we see a sleeper hit? A demo is available here. Try it out and let us know what you think.